And so the story goes...

"..and I promise with all my heart, no matter how long it takes, no matter how many archives I have to search, I will bring forth and publish to the masses, images of Dearest!!!"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sweet Sunday

Spent Sunday at home..WOOOTTTT!!! then had dinner with Alex & Gilbert at that MELLBEN crab place near us.. I found the food ok.not like WOW! same biggie..then went to Nelson's birthday gathering...happy to see Vickky there , he is such a funny guy!! Give him a corridoor and you get PRADA cabin preview, a bunch of balloons and Richard Avedon poses appear sychcronized with BOOM BOOM POW! choreography, mind you..HAHAHAH..too bad I didn't snap any pics of our SNTM in his element..but next time I will remember!

Ended up at Zirca ( felt bad that Vic had to keep asking) and had an insane 2 hours , people watching, doing the silly icon dance with Ivan..

We ended supper at SPIZE and Pao is really motor-mouth when imbibbed and Vickky so fierce!!!..It was great finish though tiring...will post whatever shots I got at the party later.

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